Predictive Autoscale: New-gen scaling

Predictive autoscale is an advanced scaling feature used in cloud environments to automatically adjust the resources (such as the number

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Azure Storage Types

Azure Storage is a highly scalable, highly available, and highly durable cloud storage system provided by Microsoft Azure. It offers a range of storage options to meet the needs of different applications and workloads.

Time Triggered Azure Functions on Azure Portal

Time-triggered Azure Functions are a type of Azure Functions that are triggered by a timer, rather than by an event or a REST API call. They run on a schedule specified by a CRON expression and can be used for tasks such as running batch jobs, cleaning up old data, and generating reports. These functions are created using the Azure Functions runtime and can be written in a variety of programming languages, including C#, JavaScript, and Python.

: CI/CD of ASP.NET Core application on Azure using Jenkins Azure Pipeline.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) of Asp.Net Core Application on Azure Web App using Jenkins – Day 4

In the first article of the series we learned about the concepts, terminology, technologies involved, installing Jenkins, creating ASP.NET Core application and continuous integration of Asp.Net Core application using Jenkins via two approaches i.e. pipeline approach and freestyle project approach. In the second article, we published the ASP.Net core application to Azure App Service and Configured Jenkins on Azure. In the third article of the series, we focused on Azure Active Directory and Service Principal and how to integrate Jenkins with Azure Service Principal.

In this last article of learning CI and CD of Asp.NET Core application using Jenkins, we’ll learn the CI/CD of ASP.NET Core application on Azure using Jenkins Azure Pipeline.

CI/CD using Jenkins on Azure

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) of Asp.Net Core Application on Azure Web App using Jenkins – Day 2

In the first article of the series we learned about the concepts, terminology, technologies involved, installing Jenkins, creating ASP.NET Core application and continuous integration of Asp.Net Core application using Jenkins via two approaches i.e. pipeline approach and free style project approach. In this article we’ll publish the ASP.Net core application to Azure App Service and Configure Jenkins on Azure before we move on to next steps.