Async and Await in C#

Async and Await are two keywords in C# that make it easier to write asynchronous code. They are used to write asynchronous methods that can run in the background, without blocking the main thread, and without causing the application to become unresponsive.

Extension Methods in C#

C# extension methods are a way to extend the functionality of existing classes, structures or interfaces without having to modify their source code. They are defined as static methods in a static class, and the first parameter of the method must be preceded by the this keyword, which indicates that the method is an extension method.

Tuples in C#

A tuple is a data structure that can store multiple values of different data types in a single unit. In C#, tuples are used to return multiple values from a method, or to store a group of values without creating a separate class.

HTTP Triggered Azure Function on Azure Portal

HTTP Triggered Azure Functions are a type of Azure Functions that can be triggered through an HTTP request. In this tutorial, we’ll go through the steps to create an HTTP triggered Azure Function in the Azure portal.

Configuration Files in Python

Coming from a .Net background, I found it a bit challenging in figuring out how a developer can have a configuration file in the Python application which could be used to read setting values and one does not have to even touch the code to update or save settings. Config files are used to store key-value pairs or some configurable information that could be read or accessed in the code and at some point, of time. If that configuration changes, developers can just change the configuration in that config file and not worry about changing the code as it may require recompiling the code and deploying it. Not only this but using config files make your settings and code more reusable and keeps the settings information at a centralized location and segregated. Of course, sensitive information like passwords, secrets, and certificates should be kept more secure, maybe in cloud vaults. But basic settings used in the application could be part of a configuration file.

Application Security: How to handle Security Misconfigurations?

There are a number of ways in which a software’s security could be jeopardized. The statement in itself is quite generic in nature, making it more frightening. But, what if we said there are ways to make your upcoming product, platform, or application entirely secure? Quite heart-warming. Yes, there are a few basic approaches to make your program more secure over time if the security concerns are addressed from the start of software development. When developing your system, it’s all about knowing the threats and anticipating the vulnerabilities in your application. 

Cloud Computing in Education

Cloud computing is a modern approach to managing business requirements more efficiently. With the breakthrough of the internet and technology, the term has only evolved and become more popular. You can easily find cloud computing applications in several domains. Many software companies are transitioning from an expensive licensed software model to a cheaper, flexible, and efficient cloud subscription model. This article explains how cloud computing has spread like a virus and how it impacts education technology. Before digging deeper, it is crucial to understand the meaning of cloud computing.

: CI/CD of ASP.NET Core application on Azure using Jenkins Azure Pipeline.

Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) of Asp.Net Core Application on Azure Web App using Jenkins – Day 4

In the first article of the series we learned about the concepts, terminology, technologies involved, installing Jenkins, creating ASP.NET Core application and continuous integration of Asp.Net Core application using Jenkins via two approaches i.e. pipeline approach and freestyle project approach. In the second article, we published the ASP.Net core application to Azure App Service and Configured Jenkins on Azure. In the third article of the series, we focused on Azure Active Directory and Service Principal and how to integrate Jenkins with Azure Service Principal.

In this last article of learning CI and CD of Asp.NET Core application using Jenkins, we’ll learn the CI/CD of ASP.NET Core application on Azure using Jenkins Azure Pipeline.